Saturday, December 2, 2017

I Lost 25+lbs in 90 days with Kinobody

Hey there viewers,
Today I review a weight loss program that worked for me and might work best for you too. I want to thank Greg O’Gallagher, the owner of Kinobody for developing a program that works like a charm for me. With his Warrior Shredding Program, I lost a total of 30 lbs in only 90 days. I went from 207 lbs to 177 lbs. If you’re thinking 90 days is a long time, it’s not. I am a very impatient guy that demands quick results, and I can assure you that time flies by quickly if you follow the program and not half ass it…..I saw progress as time went on.
There are countless ways of losing weight, but this was the most suitable and healthiest way for me to lose it. You see, weight loss takes time…it’s not about dropping the most lbs quickIy for most people, it’s about losing FAT and keeping MUSCLE. I was able to lose fat and maintain my muscle mass with this program. I had many avenues of approaching weight loss, before I found out about Kinobody.
I could list so many things I’ve done to the extreme to lose weight, such as crash dieting, water fasting, and doing no-carb diets and the list goes on. I’ve made mistakes and lost a lot of gains throughout my fitness journey and finally found what worked best for me by trying out this program out. What separates this program or any of his other programs, is that it fits my lifestyle. I currently am a full-time computer science student at university and work two jobs, while balancing it out with going to the gym 3 times a week. Yes, I said it….. 3 TIMES a week! The program is designed with simplicity and offers guidance and tools for success in exercise and nutrition. The best part is that if you aren’t satisfied with results it’s 100% money back.
How I got started in order to achieve my physique:
Step 1: I took  Kinobody Physique Builder survey to check what program best suited me.

Step 2: I got the Warrior Shredding Program. because I didn’t want to lose fat quickly, because I didn’t have a deadline. If you do want to lose weight rapidly and safely, check out Kinobody Agressive Fat Loss Program.

Step 3: Get Results

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