Monday, July 27, 2020


Interested in Lasik Eye Surgery? The professionals at Sharper Vision Centers in Torrance, California have decades of experience. Call (310) 792-1010 for an appointment today!

What Is Laser Vision Correction (LASIK)?

Laser vision correction is a very common type of corrective eye surgery available for people who are nearsighted or farsighted.

The most popular form is LASIK. LASIK is the single most commonly performed refractive surgery procedure. You may hear people calling it "LASIX," but the name is actually short for "Laser-assisted in Situ Keratomileusis". During the procedure, a flap on the front surface of the eye (the cornea) is folded back and a laser is used to reshape the cornea. The flap is then placed back to its original position. Most patients experience good vision results the very next day.
Why is it so popular? LASIK has a relatively painless recovery and quick results.
Eye anatomy differs from person to person, if you are not a candidate for LASIK, then PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) maybe for you, the top layer of the cornea, known as the epithelium is removed, then the eximer laser is applied to reshape the cornea.


There are many types of laser vision correction procedures. Sharper Vision Centers offers the latest vision correction treatment options to fit your unique needs. These are only brief descriptions; please speak with Dr. Oyakawa to learn more about laser vision surgery options.
All-laser LASIK with IntraLase® uses a laser, not a metal blade, to create a more precise flap in the cornea.
Wavefront LASIK/PRK uses a wavefront measuring system to guide the laser in reshaping the eye. We offer:
Allegretto Wave™ wavefront-optimized excimer laser provides highly precise, customized laser vision correction.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

5 Benefits of Kratom Leaves

Learn about kratom for sale and where to buy the best maeng da kratom capsules for wholesale.

Diarrhea Medication

Diarrhea often arises from eating unhealthy food so that it can interfere with the digestive system in the body.
To overcome the problem of diarrhea you can use kratom leaves as medicine.
This leaf has a very useful content to deal with diarrhea.
The trick is to chew low-dose white kratom.
This plant can treat weakness due to diarrhea.

Energy Enhancer

As already mentioned above that kratom plants can add energy.
Because, these leaves have stimulant properties if consumed in low doses.
If you experience fatigue due to daily activities that are too dense.
You can consume kratom leaves to restore your stamina.

Smooth digestion

Are you having indigestion such as constipation or constipation?
Kratom plants are proven to be able to overcome digestive problems because, they have anti-microbial properties that can kill germs in your digestion.
Of course, in consuming kratom leaves you must know the dose so as not to cause addiction.
Also take care of your diet so that you avoid digestive problems.

Preventing Hypertension

 Hypertension or better known as high blood pressure is very much suffered by people in the modern era. If you want to buy Buy Kratom
Apart from the result of irregular lifestyle, there are also many other causes.
If you have severe hypertension, it can lead to strokes and heart attacks.
But you don’t need to worry, because now you can use this leaf to overcome the hypertension problem that you are experiencing.
As we have discussed before, kratom leaves when taken in the right dosage can create a relaxing effect on the body.
If your body is relaxed then the blood pressure in the body will decrease by itself.
This of course must be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise.
Kratom leaves have been widely used by herbal therapists and proven effective in overcoming hypertension.

Overcoming Muscle Pain

Kratom plants if consumed correctly can have a relaxing effect on the human body.
With this, your tense and painful muscles will relax.
So that the pain when you experience muscle pain will decrease and disappear quickly.
However, what’s more important is resting your body enough so that you avoid this muscle aching problem.
Do it with exercise routine in the morning before starting your activity.
This is useful so that the muscles are not surprised when you have to do strenuous activities.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Caregiver certification online

Online caregiver training course with National Caregiver Certification Association (NCCA). Student-Friendly, interactive platform. 
The national caregiver certification association offers the national caregiver certification course. The course covers the following topics:
1. Introduction to the Home Health Agency Roles
2. Medical and Social needs of Home Care clients
3. Personal Care Services by the Home Health Aide
4. Nutrition in Home Care
5. Cleaning Tasks in the home
6. Infection Prevention in Home Care
7. The Ideal caregiver
8. Care of the elderly patient
9. An overview of Alzheimers’ disease
10. Care of a patient with Alzheimer’s disease
11. Maintaining your safety as a caregiver
12. The role of the companion home maker
13. Communication techniques
14. Ethics, integrity and professional behavior
15. Cultural sensitivity
16. Appearance and hygiene
17. Phone etiquette
18. Escorting and transporting your patient
19. Observation skills
20. Handling medical emergencies
21. Fire and safety preparedness.
22. Caring for the caregiver